Thursday, March 5, 2020

Online Relatively Prime Numbers Tutors

Online Relatively Prime Numbers Tutors Relatively prime numbers are two integer which have only 1 as their common factor. Relatively prime numbers are also called as co-prime numbers or mutually prime numbers. This concept is very useful concept in mathematics. If a and b are any two integers they are called relatively prime numbers if both are divisible by number 1 and have no other common divisor. This can also be explained as the greatest common divisor for a, b is 1. Hence GCD of (a, b) is one. Example 1: Find if 30 and 77 are relatively prime numbers. Solution: Given are numbers 30 and 77. The number 30 can be written as: 30 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 5. The number 77 can be written as: 77 = 1* 7 * 11. Hence from the above representation of the numbers 30 and 77 its determined that they have a common factor 1. Hence 30 and 77 are relatively prime numbers. Example 2: Find if 48 and 36 are relatively prime numbers. Solution: Given are numbers 48 and 36. The number 48 can be written as: 48 = 1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 *3 = 1 * 24 * 3. The number 36 can be written as: 36 = 1* 2 * 2* 3 * 3 = 1 * 22 *32. Hence from the above representation of the numbers 48 and 36 its determined that they have a common factors 1, 22 and 3. Hence 48 and 36 are not relatively prime numbers.

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